Guten Morgen,

in Bezug auf meinen gestrigen Post Updates für Exchange Server 2007 – 2013 heute eine neue Information. Das Update für den Exchange Server 2010 SP 3 ist fehlerhaft.

Bemerkbar wird dies beispielsweise im Kalender:

Exchange 2010 SP3 - CU 8 Fehler

Exchange 2010 SP3 – CU 8 Fehler


[notify_box font_size=“13px“ style=“blue“]An issue has been identified in the Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 8. The update has been recalled and is no longer available on the download center pending a new RU8 release. Customers should not proceed with deployments of this update until the new RU8 version is made available. Customers who have already started deployment of RU8 should rollback this update. The issue impacts the ability of Outlook to connect to Exchange, thus we are taking the action to recall the RU8 to resolve this problem. We will deliver a revised RU8 package as soon as the issue can be isolated, corrected, and validated. We will publish further updates to this blog post regarding RU8. This issue only impacts the Exchange Server 2010 SP3 RU8 update, the other updates remain valid and customers can continue with deployment of these packages[/notify_box]

In meiner Test Umgebung finde ich folgende Informationen in den Logs zum RPC:

[IndexOutOfRangeException] Index was outside the bounds of the Array.

Das Logfile liegt hier: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging\RPC Client Access

Sollte das Update bereits eingespielt worden sein kann dieses über die „Systemsteuerung –> Programme und Funktionen –> Installieret Updates“ deinstalliert werden!
Exchange 2010 SP 3 CU 8 uninstall

Bei neuen Informationen schreibe ich sofort darüber!
